We build bridges for biodiversity. Between science
and business. For leaders in both sectors.
About Us
We are a non-profit association of experienced biodiversity experts. In our projects, we develop narratives, business cases and science-based solutions for biodiversity.
Our Vision
We envision an economy that works with nature and not against it. This requires companies to contribute to a nature-positive world, and science and business to collaborate.
Biodiversity Bridge brings together experts from the natural sciences, economics, nature conservation and business.
Biodiversity Bridge runs and supports projects at the interface of biodiversity and business – science-based, pragmatic, and impact-focused.
Biodiversity Bridge provides business and science leaders with a platform, network and expertise to positively influence biodiversity.
  • Position paper
    Frankfurt Declaration
    The Biodiversity Bridge builds on our joint declaration for the UN Biodiversity Conference COP 15.
    Read declaration
  • Panel
    DLD Nature
    Together with BMW Foundation and other partners, we held a panel on the “Business Case Biodiversity”.
    Watch video
  • Study
    Biodiversity Advantage
    Our study in collaboration with FERI Institute highlights the investment opportunities for nature.
    Download study
  • Presentation
    Biodiversity and Business
    Our Director Dr. Tobias Raffel explains what biodiversity is and why it is important for companies.
    Watch presentation
This is not some kind of bee-loving, tree-hugging exercise – this is core economics.
Frank Elderson
Member of the Executive Board, ECB
We build bridges
Science and business must join forces to
solve the global biodiversity crisis.
Together we can create positive impact and make science-based solutions work.
Biodiversity Bridge provides business and science leaders with a platform, network and expertise to positively influence biodiversity.
We offer knowledge transfer, carry out cooperation projects and provide advisory services. We focus on the opportunities of nature-positive transformation. To reduce footprint, increase handprint and create a heartprint. Together with you, we build bridges.
Our offers
Knowledge transfer
We bring relevant biodiversity knowledge to corporate management and discuss practical issues with the scientific community. In direct exchanges with board members, for example, we help to answer three questions:
  • Why is biodiversity important for my company?
  • Why is it important for me as a board member?
  • Why is it important now?
Building a bridge to more awareness and knowledge.
Cooperation projects
We carry out joint biodiversity projects with scientists and practitioners. Decision-makers in companies, for example, can participate, benefit and network on three levels:
  • With key stakeholders: Science, politics and NGOs.
  • Along the value chain: Suppliers, customers and competitors.
  • With the biodiversity community: Biodiversity initiatives worldwide
Building a bridge for better cooperation between relevant stakeholders.
Advisory services
We support decision-makers in companies during the transformation. As a sparring partner, we help them to develop, classify and evaluate:
  • Strategies (nature and climate agenda)
  • Communication (internal and external)
  • Action (footprint, handprint, heartprint measures)
Building a bridge for effective corporate biodiversity action.
Our transformation approach
Companies can reduce their negative impact on nature by avoiding harmful practices such as deforestation and pollution, and by reducing the overexploitation of natural capital, e.g. of land, water, and raw materials. The imperative is: Do no harm!
Companies can increase their positive impact on nature by helping to improve the state of nature, e.g. through conservation and restoration measures, and by transforming to circular, regenerative, and nature-positive business practices. The imperative is: Do good!
Companies can create transformative impact by winning people over for the cause of nature. Communicating positive narratives, sharing success stories, learning from best-practice examples, setting incentives for nature-positive action, and facilitating collaboration in the global supply chain are measures that can be started immediately. The imperative is: Win hearts for biodiversity!
We build bridges
Science and business must join forces to
solve the global biodiversity crisis.
Together we can create positive impact and make science-based solutions work.
Die Brücke für Biodiversität ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der von renommierten Forschungs- und Naturschutzorganisationen getragen wird.
Die Idee geht zurück auf die Frankfurter Erklärung vom November 2022. Anlässlich der Weltnaturkonferenz COP15 in Montreal / Kanada hatten führende deutsche Biodiversitätsakteure zu einem Schulterschluss von Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft aufgerufen.
Neben Forderungen an die Politik wurden dabei auch Angebote formuliert, wie Natur- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Wege aus der globalen Biodiversitätskrise aufzeigen können. Die Brücke für Biodiversität macht der Wirtschaft nun ein konkretes Angebot zur Unterstützung.
BMW Foundation
BMW Foundation
Leibnitz Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels
Leibnitz Institut
Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin
Museum für Naturkunde
SUN Institute
SUN Institute
Value Balancing Alliance
Value Balancing Alliance
Nature Wealth
Nature Wealth
We build bridges
Science and business must join forces to
solve the global biodiversity crisis.
Together we can create positive impact and make science-based solutions work.
Biodiversity Bridge runs and supports projects at the interface of biodiversity and business – science-based, pragmatic, and impact-focused.
We work with academics and practitioners on issues that are relevant to both and to which both can contribute. We closely involve the partner organizations of Biodiversity Bridge as well as other stakeholders. Together with our partners, we build bridges.
Current projects
Biodiversity Narratives
We explore new ways of framing biodiversity communication by going beyond the classic "nature narrative" and incorporating elements of an "economic narrative" and a ‘business narrative’ on biodiversity. In collaboration with various partners, including BMW Foundation.
workshop series
Biodiversity Business Cases
Together with sustainability experts from key industries, we develop biodiversity measures that benefit both nature and business. In collaboration with several DAX40 companies.
new platform
Advance Market Commitment
Following the example of the Symbiosis initiative in the USA, we are helping to build a platform that advances the biodiversity market. In collaboration with various partners, including Nature Wealth and goodcarbon.
Biodiversity and Inflation
We are investigating the impact of biodiversity on consumers’ inflation expectations. In collaboration with Deutsche Bundesbank.
Biodiversity Research Synthesis
We analyze recent biodiversity research results from the natural and economic sciences for their relevance to business practice. In collaboration with the BMBF Research Initiative for the Conservation of Biodiversity.
Biodiversity Strategy Advisory
We organize meetings and workshops in support of corporate biodiversity efforts.
Past projects
Biodiversity Advantage
In collaboration with FERI Institute and Senckenberg Society for Nature Research, we have explored the benefits of corporate biodiversity action and compiled solutions and investment opportunities that have a positive impact on biodiversity.
Download study (pdf)
Climate, Biodiversity and Nature
In cooperation with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), the Frankfurt Zoological Society (ZGF) and Conservation International (CI), we provided insights into the connections between climate, biodiversity and nature during a workshop at the Baden-Baden Entrepreneur Talks (BBUG) 2024.
Biodiversity Pathways
At the inaugural DLD Nature conference in Munich, we shared insights from our roundtable discussion with more than 30 managers from the fields of sustainability and biodiversity. In collaboration with BMW Foundation, Nature Wealth and goodcarbon.
Watch panel on YouTube
Biodiversity on the Corporate Agenda
In keynotes at conferences and corporate events, we have provided analyses and examples why biodiversity is important for companies and what corporate leaders can do.
Watch keynote on YouTube
We build bridges
Science and business must join forces to
solve the global biodiversity crisis.
Together we can create positive impact and make science-based solutions work.
Biodiversity Bridge brings together experts from the natural sciences, economics, nature conservation and business.
We are a diverse and committed group of people who speak the language of both science and business. We help shape the topic of biodiversity in our respective organizations and beyond. Together as a team, we build bridges.
Our members
Christoph Heinrich
Executive Director, Ecologic Institute
Jürgen Kern
Chief Sustainability Officer, KfW Group
Eva Meyer
Chief Sustainability Officer and Member of the Group Management Board, BNP Paribas Germany
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Misof
Director, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB)
Prof. Dr. Volker Mosbrugger
Director General emer., Senckenberg Society for Nature Research
Dr. Tobias Raffel
Managing Director, Biodiversity Bridge
Dr. Tim Steinecke
Program Lead, BBUG
Prof. Dr. Klement Tockner
Director General, Senckenberg Society for Nature Research and Professor, Goethe University Frankfurt
Prof. Johannes Vogel, Ph.D.
Director General, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Lydia von Krosigk
Sector Economist for Biodiversity, KfW Development Bank
Ulrich Wilhelm
Member of the Senckenberg Board of Trustees and former State Secretary
Dr. Stefan Wörner
Partner, Fichtner Management Consulting
Dr. Tobias Raffel (chairman)
Prof. Johannes Vogel, Ph.D. (deputy chairman)
Dr. Stefan Wörner (treasurer)
Prof. Dr. Volker Mosbrugger
Lydia von Krosigk
We build bridges
Science and business must join forces to
solve the global biodiversity crisis.
Together we can create positive impact and make science-based solutions work.
Biodiversity Bridge e.V.
Berlin, Germany

Dr. Tobias Raffel
Phone ‭+49 163 3789117‬
Biodiversity Bridge e.V.
Ilsensteinweg 26a
14129 Berlin

Represented by: Prof. Dr. Volker Mosbrugger (Chairman of the Board), Dr. Tobias Raffel (CEO), Dr. Stefan Wörner (CFO)


Responsible for the content according to § 18 MStV: Dr. Tobias Raffel
Register of Associations: VR 41378 B
Registration Court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Amtsgerichtsplatz 1, 14057 Berlin, Germany

Copyright © 2024 Biodiversity Bridge e.V. All rights reserved.

No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express written permission of Biodiversity Bridge e.V..
The Biodiversity Bridge e.V. retains the right to modify or supplement information without prior notice.
  • Only
    6 of 502
    companies applying the biodiversity reporting recommendations as “Early Adopters” are from Germany.
  • Companies can generate
    Trillion USD in additional revenue annually if they work with nature instead of against it.
  • Over
    of global GDP directly or indirectly depends on the services provided by nature.
    of bank loans in the eurozone are granted to companies that depend heavily on at least one ecosystem service.
  • Only
    of Fortune 500 companies have set biodiversity targets, compared to 83% on climate.
The climate crisis will determine how we live in the future. The biodiversity crisis will determine whether we survive.
Prof. Dr. Katrin Böhning-Gaese
Scientific Director, UFZ